Event Sponsors
Kemper Family Foundations
Hip Hop
Jack and Karen Holland
Bebe and Graham Hunt
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
Matt Smith & Lindsey Patterson Smith
Murphy-Hoffman Company
Jane Voorhees
Thomas and Sally Wood Family Foundation
Spencer Fane LLP
JE Dunn Construction
Linda Lighton and Lynn Adkins
Catherine Mead
Virginia and James Moffett
Bradley and Linda Nicholson Foundation
UMB Financial Corporation
American Century Investments
Aristocrat Motors
Kenneth and Lisa Block
Norm Fretwell and Bev Haskins
Halls Kansas City
The Hebenstreit Family
Imperial PFS
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
The Lair Family
McCownGordon Construction, LLC
Merriman Foundation
Palle and Dennis Rilinger
John and Marny Sherman
Patty and Tom Wood
Elizabeth and Majid Amirahmadi
Diane Botwin and Mike Vessels
CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. - Brent
Cathi and David Brain
Dan DeLeon and Jerry Katlin
Emily and Wes Fehsenfeld
Scott Francis and Susan Gordon, Discretionary
Fund, Francis Family Foundation
Theresa and Brad Freilich
John and Ellen Goheen
Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein and Kim Klein Goldstein
Pam and Gary Gradinger
Shirley and Barnett C. Helzberg Jr.
Anne N. Hickok
Brad and Jane Kleindl
Linda and Bill Kornitzer
Jan Kyle Design and Dr. Wayne Hunthausen /
Westwood Animal Hospital
Sarah and Adam LaBoda
Jim and Stephanie Lawrence
Barbara Koval Nelson
Jason and Kat Norris
Leigh and Tyler Nottberg
Jo Ann and William Sullivan
Kent Sunderland and Hannah Snider
Ursula Terrasi and Jim Miller
Geoff and Krista Tolsdorf
James Uhlmann
Elizabeth and Paul Uhlmann, III
Victoria's Door, LLC
Clyde and Katie Wendel
Brian Williams
Frank and Helen Wewers
Mary and Gary Wolf
Melinda L. Beal
Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Geduldig
Donald J. Hall
Terry and Peggy Dunn
Mrs. Beth Ingram
Special Thanks
Café Ca Phê
Café Sebastienne
F&R Imports
KC Smoke Burger
IN Kansas City
Lon Lane’s Inspired Occasions
MAKE Digital, Social Media
MEDiAHEAD—Kat McDaniel, Invitation Printing
Pinnacle Imports
Studio Dan Meiners, Décor
Chris Millspaugh Design, LLC, Design
Walter & Ferris—Chadwick Brooks, Production and Entertainment
Event Leadership
Helen and Frank Wewers, Honorary Chairs
Emily Uhlmann Fehsenfeld, Co-Chair
Damian Lair, Co-Chair
Gala Committee
Chadwick Brooks
Nancy Bollier
Mark Cordes
Paul Gutierrez
Andrea Kirsch
Kim Klein
Ada Koch
Jan Kyle
Betsy Lummis
Lauren Merriman
Kat McDaniel
Dan Meiners
Anna Petrow
Katrina Revenaugh
Lexi Ryan
Rachel Sexton
Lorena Wiedeman
Mary Wolf
Dolly Wood
Katie Van Luchene