What Visitors Valued Most
In Their Own Words

Thinking back to the wonderful exhibits that have been held, it would have to be the creative and fresh look at new art.”
“The best place to view contemporary art in Kansas City. There is no replacement.”
“The opportunity for life-long learning”
“Free art museum for the local community”
“The ease with which I can access great contemporary art.”
“Inspiration and creative challenge”
“The art experience extended through the gift shop and Café Sebastienne.”
“The best place to meet family and friends.”
“The fun I have had this past year and a way to stay connected while apart.”
“The fact that the museum experience feels different every time I visit.”
“Its ease of access and use. The unique structure and access to the Kemper Museum allows for a quick easy visit for revitalization, inspiration and comfort.”
“Being in the city and just being able to stop in for 15 minutes.”
“The wonderful approachability of the museum and its collection.”
“Everything about it, especially the unique shows that you have brought.”
“Kemper is a very accessible museum and the size is not intimidating.”
“A peaceful, quiet place to visit and reflect.”
“The uniqueness of the exhibits, the digestible size of the museum and the phenomenal, professional staff.”
“The joy of being able to drop into a Kemper’s intimate space whenever I need to reflect and renew.”
Background image: Vaughn Spann (American, born 1992), Goliath, 2020, polymer paint, flashe, canvas on aluminum braces, 180 x 180 inches. Collection of Liz Dascal and Vladimir Spector, courtesy of David Castillo Gallery, © Vaughn Spann, courtesy of the artist and David Castillo Gallery. Photo by EG Schempf.
This work was on view in the 2021 exhibition Vaughn Spann: Open Onto.