Kemper Museum gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their generous support in 2022.
Gifts received January 1–December 31, 2022
Generous contributions from the public are essential to the exhibitions and programs that keep Kansas City connected to visionary contemporary artists from across the world.
$1.664 million
William T. Kemper Charitable Trust, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
$130,000 +
Bebe and Crosby Kemper Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
Enid and Crosby Kemper Foundation, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
$50,000 +
R. Crosby Kemper Jr. Exhibition Fund
Missouri Arts Council, a state agency
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee *
The Family of Mary Beth Smith
Christy and Bill Gautreaux
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Family Foundation
Matt Smith and Lindsey Patterson Smith
$25,000 to $29,999
Stanley J. Bushman and Ann Canfield
Charles M. Helzberg and Sandra Baer
Jack and Karen Holland
Bebe and Graham Hunt
Murphy-Hoffman Company
SpecChem / Liz and Greg Maday
Richard J. Stern Foundation for the Arts, Commerce Bank, Trustee
Jo Ann and William Sullivan
Jane Voorhees
$15,000 to $24,999
Francis Family Foundation
Spencer Fane LLP
Todd and Emily Voth, in Memory of Mary O’Dell Swett
Thomas and Sally Wood Family Foundation
$10,000 to $14,999
The Copaken Family Foundation *
JE Dunn Construction
Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation
Bradley W. and Linda J. Nicholson Foundation
Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
$5,000 to $9,999
American Century Investments
Richard Anderson and Gloria Delich Anderson Family Foundation
Hugh and Cynthia Andrews
ArtsKC - Regional Arts Council
Kenneth and Lisa Block / Block Real Estate Services
Burns & McDonnell Foundation
Lynn & Lance Carlton / Burns & McDonnell
Colleen Dougherty and Joe Euteneuer
ECCO Select
Andrea and David Feinberg
J. Scott Francis, Francis Family Foundation, and Susan Gordon
Halls Kansas City
Harry Portman Charitable Trust, UMB Bank, n.a., Trustee
Hebenstreit Family Foundation
Sharon and John Hoffman *
Cliff and Bonne Illig Family Foundation
Kauffman Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Judy O. Kirk
Kirk Foundation
Linda Lighton and Lynn Adkins *
Marshall and Nora Lockton
Michael and Linda Lyon
Mark One Electric Company, Inc.
McCown Family Foundation
The McDonnell Foundation, Inc.
Neighborhood Tourist Development Fund
Matthew Peddie and Jessica Heimes
RLS Illumination Fund
J. B. Reynolds Foundation
Dennis and Palle Rilinger
John and Marny Sherman
The Sosland Foundation
Chasitie and Michael Walden
Mary and Gary Wolf
$2,000 to $4,999
Elizabeth Bennett and Brendan Franzoni
Diane Botwin and Mike Vessels
Brian and Francie Bradley
Ellen and Jamie Copaken
Lucy and Fred Coulson
Creative Planning Property & Casualty
Joe and Diana Eisenach
Emily and Wes Fehsenfeld
Michael D. Fields
Bradley and Theresa Freilich
Norm Fretwell and Bev Haskins
Pam and Gary Gradinger
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
John and Ellen Goheen
Dr. Jeffrey Goldstein and Kim Klein Goldstein
Robert M. Guezuraga
Donald J. and Adele C. Hall *
Hickok Family Foundation
Amy and Paul Holewinski
International Architects Atelier
Jane and Brad Kleindl
Linda and William Kornitzer
Jan Kyle Design and Dr. Wayne Hunthausen, Westwood Animal Hospital
Adam and Sarah LaBoda
Damian Lair
Jim and Stephanie Lawrence
LMG Construction
Lindsay and Lee Major
C. Stephen Metzler and Brian D. Williams Fund
Katherine and Jason Norris
Michael and Kathleen Rainen
Cathy and Geoff Smith
Kent Sunderland and Hannah Snider
UCM Alumni Foundation
Toma and Andy Wolff
Patty and Tom Wood
$1,000 to $1,999
Nancy Adams
Linda Albani
Perry and Kathryn Atha
Melinda and Tom E. Beal Charitable Fund
Dr. Irene E. Bettinger
BioNexus KC
Patricia Burroughs-Bishop
CBIZ, Inc.
Charles and Virginia Clark
Mark Cordes and Sara Engber
Consuelo Cruz
The DeBruce Foundation
Michael and Kathy Dodd
Karen and Larry Dunn
Terrence and Peggy Dunn
Darren Klish and Laura Cea-Klish
Rudolf and Deborah Herrmann
Edward and Kim Higgins
Thomas and Paget Higgins
John and Elizabeth Hjalmarson
Jacqueline and Robert Epsten Foundation
Jeff Evrard
G Kenneth and Ann Baum Philanthropic Fund
Cheryl and Robert Goodwillie
Jean McGreevy Green
Hargroves Family Foundation
Neil and Lona Harris
Michael and Karen Herman
Jager Family Foundation
Ken and Chrystal Johnson
McGregor and Lindsay Johnson
Pamela and Mark Johnson
Topper and Linda Johntz
Kansas City Museum Foundation Inc.
Allan King and Nancy Bean
Suzanne Frisse Lathrop
William and Peggy Lyons
Mutual of America Financial Group / Legal Aid of Western Missouri
Seán Hoàng O'Harrow, Ph.D.
Petrovic Financial Services
DJ and Megan Pierre
Brian and Anne Scharf
Charles and Elizabeth Schellhorn
Don Schreiner and John Escalada
Linda Shipp
Scott Smith and Kathy Surber
Spaulding Family Foundation
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Tavolo Vigneto
Elizabeth and Paul Uhlmann III
Frank and Helen Wewers
Fred and Helen Wooster
John and Barbara Yeast
$500 to $999
Steve and Barbara Abend
Mark Alford, Jr.
Lowry Anderson
Richard and Barbara Atlas
Jonathan and Sarah Baum
Lynne and David Bock
Mark J. Brodkey, MD
Thomas Cohen
Lorin and Erica Crenshaw
Courtney R. Earnest
David and Amy Embry
Ron and Arlene Finney
Carolyn Gentile
Helen Gregory Henry
Mr. George Helmkamp Jr.
Dr. Adrienne Walker Hoard
Mr. John E. Hoffman, Jr.
Joan J. Horan
Martha and Richard Katz
Tara LaCoe
Lisa Lala and Robert Harris
William and Irma Lou Hirsch
Don Lambert
Mrs. Adele Levi
Kenneth Mikos
Lisa Miller
Patricia Cleary Miller and James Miller
Mary Ann Morley and Dennis L. Smith
David and Sara O'Connell
Alejandro and Mary Ogata
Leslie Pfriem
James Polsinelli
Ms. Martha Reno
Katrina and Ken Revenaugh
Joel Schmidt
Patricia Shipp and Dan Peterson
Utah Division of Arts and Museums
Katie Van Luchene and Jerry Foulds
Frank and Helen Wewers
Vanessa Williams
Brent and Jennifer Wilson
$250 to $499
Ms. Martha Atlas
George and Jane Cornwell
Mr. James Corrick and Mr. Newton W. Jones
Sherry Cromwell-Lacy and James W. Lacy
Ann and Michael DeFeo
Claude and Rachel Einstein
Janice Fortney
Jeff Foster
Darrell and Laurie Franklin
Linn and Kurt Gretzinger
Anita Grow and Jon Scheinman
Bill and Maggie Haw
George and Carolyn Kroh
Dr. Samantha Krukowski
Mary Betsy Lummis and Phoebe Lummis
Mr. Aaron G. March
F. Peter and Wendy Newcomer
Sasipen Nott
Patricia O'Dell
Charles and Pamela Peffer
Thomas and Vicki Smith
Christina Snyder and Marc Seltzer
Steven and Evelina Swartzman
Mrs. Mary A. Vandekauter
Alan and Laura Voss
Andrew Watel
Kim Weinberger
Dean and Karen Whipple
Ms. Lela Williams
Shari Wilson and Chris Steineger
Mark and Pam Woodard
Eric C Youngberg and Gary Krogh
$100 to $249
Lisa Alpert
Mark and Karen Bailey
Lee and Claudia Barewin
Brooke Barrier
Dr. Robert and Mary Lou Battmer
Jonathan Beck
Ms. and Mrs. Joanie and Bart Bergman
Bill Dickinson and Barbara Loots
Suzi and Bruce Blackman
Michael and Peggy Borkon
Brucie and William Hopkins, Jr.
Briena Carlson
Susan and Gerald Carlson
Charles R. and Jane F. Olsen Fund
Donna and Robert Clark
Beverly Conklin
Brenda and William Conner
Barry and Suzanne Cooper
Thomas and Karren Crouch
Maria Cuevas
Peggy Cullen Reese and Stephen Cullen
Brett Daniel Currier and Michael Evans
Marilyn K. Curtis
William C. Cutler and Elisabeth Suter
Dale and Diane Wassergord Charitable Fund
Leo and N. June Davis
Joan Diehl Kennedy
Andrew Dietrich
Mark and Carol Dirkes
Ms. Erica Dobreff
Claire Donawa
Ellen and Robert Duckworth
Thomas Durst and Sheryl Nance-Durst
Edward and Kathryn Ellerbeck
Brendan Farley
W. and Carol Feiock
Ms. Sally A. Firestone
Brian Firkins and Sue Mosby
Josephine Foote
Mrs. SuEllen Fried
Curtis Fritzel
Andrew Fuiks
Dawn Gale
Alfredo Garcia
Gary Susott and Barbara Michaels
Liz George
Carol and James Getty
Douglas and Ann Ghertner
James and Roberta Gillilan
Merrily and Lew Goetz
Silvia and Larry Goldman
Ms. Sharon Goldstein
Charles and Barbara Gorodetzky
Kathryn Harris Graham
Raymond Grieshaber
Bryan Grigsby and Anne Dougherty
Garry R. Hanna
Benjamin Hansen and Tonya C. Witmer
Lewis A Heaven Jr. and Paula B. Heaven
William and Sarah Herster
Joseph and Cathy Hiersteiner
Harold C. Hill Jr. and Francile Hill
Ryan Hiser and David Tran
Mary C. Hood
Lara Houseman
Lindsay Hummer
James Paul Uhlmann Philanthropic Fund
Kenneth Joaquin
John & Jennifer Isenberg Philanthropic Fund
Kay Eileen Johnson and William Koenigsdorf
Gina Kaiser and David Gale
Braden and Caitlin Katz
Emma Kemper
Mark Kenneally and Elizabeth Rosin
John D. Kenney III and Ann Kenney
Howard and Susan Kilbride
Herbert and Nancy Kohn
Susan and Doug Krebs
Alan and Joanne Lachowitz
Art Lafex
Sarah Lanzer
Nancy LaSala
Les Letulle
Mark B. Levin and Frances Feinberg
Tina Lewandowski
Blake Lostal
Jack and Ann Mahurin
John and Rudena Mallory
Donna Mandelbaum
Scout Marshall
Thomas and Maria Martin
Kirk and Diane Marty
Darlene M. McCluskey
Robert McDonald and Ashley Muddiman
Matthew Mellor
Jay and Symie Menitove
John Metzler
Sally Milgram and Saul Honigberg
Mindy and Eric McEwen
Alton A. Morey and Craig A. Morey
Joe R. Moody Jr. and Judy Moody
Jhulan and Jyoti Mukharji
Nancy Panzer-Howell
Nancy Tilson-Mallett and Grant Mallett
Heidi and Nelson Nast
Ali Nilsen
Jason and Kathryn Ruth Orr
Sue Patterson
Wendy and George Powell
Stacy Davis Pratt
John Rensenhouse
Rosetta and Wayne Robins
Ms. Jeanne M. Rooney
Eliza Samuelson
Alexa Scharig and Jeffrey Calovich
Sandra Schermerhorn
Lee Smalter
Paul and Deborah Sokoloff
J. Michael and Lyn Speakman
John Spertus and Sarah Hoffmann
Stanley and Carolyn Goldman
Stanley L. & Geraldine Goldberg
Ms. Doris H. Strong
Jonathan Sturm
Susan and Robert Taylor
Nancy Tonkins
Trevor and Amy Hoiland
Anna Marie Tutera and Caleb Bowman
Jenny Vaupel
Ms. Bridget Vezendan
Don and Audrey Walsworth
Ms. Sonia Warshawski
Samantha Wassenaar
AnnaHelen Weber
Jack and Marie Whitacre
Don and Michelle Wolfe
Teresa Woody and Rik Siro
Mary Wurtz and Robert Thompson
John and Karen Yungmeyer
Jana and Sean Zaudke
Valarie and David Zeeck
$75 to $99
Ms. Deena M. Amont
Ms. Margaret Anderson-Lee
Honore Ashcraft and Lanny D. Brewer
Linda Bailey
Ms. Judith Ballard
Kirk Barnett
Linton Bayless
Robert and Shelley Beatty
Sarah Bent
James and Peg Billick
Naheed Bleecker
William and Anne Blessing
Melinda Buie
Carol Busch
Sandra Castillo Jackson
David Cateforis
Robert Claassen
Johanna and Benjamin Comes
Ms. Jill L. Connors
Mr. Richard Coopersmith
Rachelle Craig
Angela Curran
Kristen Davis
Adrianne DeWeese
John E. Dieter III
William D. Dixon
Susan Dodd
David Donovan
Constance Dugan
Eileen Duggan
Candace Dunbar
Winnie Dunn
Entabank Corporation
Marjorie Falcone
Kelly P. Finn
Terri Floyd
Louise Forster
John C. Francis
Paula and Henry Frankel
Betty Freeman-Boots
Ms. Bette Friedberg
Amy Funk
Toni Gagarin
Gail Gormley
Nell D. Galles
Ms. Linda Gardels
Matethia Gatobu
Tammy Gay
Ms. Beverly Gegen
Nicholas George
Pam Gerould
Cynthia Gibson
Mr. Thomas I. Gill
Alexandra Goddard
Shirley and Kenneth Goetz
Beau Gostomsky
Beth Grillo and Claude Attebury
Allen and Gail Gutovitz
Ms. Rhonda Hardy
Gayle G. Hathorne
Ms. Ann L. Hauschild
Ms. Ellen Woodward Henry
Dr. Maxine Hetherington
Richard Hey
Marilyn Higgins
Emily A. Hill
Barry and Arlene Hirschfeld
Bruce Hoffman and Erin Orth
Michael and Mary Holdgraf
Mary Hopkins
Amanda Houck
Sharon Hunter-Putsch
Mrs. Beth Ingram
Mrs. Yvonne U. Jameson
Janice Jensen
Susan K. Johnson
Jette Jones
Janet Jury
Carolyn Kadel
Carolyn Kanter
Linda Kelly
Julia Kim
Ms. Marta King
Ms. Marcia H. Kirwan
Randy Klein
Linda V. Kline
James and Laura Lloyd
Beth Lucasey
Marjorie G. Lundy
Peter Manion
G. Dale Mathey
Doris Mattingly
Ms. Virginia B. McCoy
Mr. P. Alan McDermott
Carrie McDonald
Nancy McSweeney
William and Mary Jane Mitchell
Catherine and Randall Morris
Jim and Marilyn Murley
Ms. Janice A. Newberry
John Ohmes
Brenda Pallone
Nancy Panzer-Howell and Thomas Howell
Frank Parks
Rod Parks
Ryan Partee
Catherine Pawlicki
Joal and Cheryl Payne
Mr. John M. Pearson
Ms. Elinore A. Penner
Mary Ann Popper
William and Ann Rainey
Kristin and Eric Raven
Ms. Elise Ray
Elizabeth and Harris Rayl
Sean Reynolds
Linden Rhodes
Robin Riat
Anne Riker Powell
Lori Roop
Peter Runyan
Carmen Sabates
Ms. Barbara Salvaggio
Theresa Schekirke
Ellen Schmidt
Barbara and Fred Schoell
Mary K. Schuele
Dudley N. Scoville and Raymond M. Scoville Jr.
Ms. Liz Shattuck
John and Marcia Shaw
Stephen T. Slack
Jean Snider
Bradley Sorenson
Ms. Karlie Speicher
Jennie and Dan Stolper
Matthew Stucki
Ms. Dianne Swann
Jan Talley
Ms. Karen M. Tholen
Mary Turner
Sue Vartuli
Walt and Barbara Vernon
Ms. Mary Vizcarra
Ms. Wendy West Comens
Susan and Turner White
Dr. Wilma B. Wilcox
Kristine Wilfong
Ms. Joyce Williams
Thomas L. Willis III
Paula Winchester
Lisa Woodring
Mr. Don Yaworski
$74 and below
Jessica Best Stewart
Ms. Belinda Blake
Amber T. Hulet
Thomas C. King, III
Karen Marcia Miller
Cullen Sutherland
Elizabeth Sweeney
Gail Taylor
Kurtis L. Thiel
* Charter Members